Nick O'Connor

Nick O'Connor

Nick O'Connor is the publisher of Southbank Investment Research, one of Britain's leading publishers of independent financial advice and alternative ideas.

After becoming Associate Publisher in 2015, Nick was instrumental in exposing the state’s plans to abolish cash – publishing The War on Cash with Tim Price, and personally bringing a petition with more than 10,000 signatures to Parliament.

He’s also the author of The Exponentialist, a 2016 book on the four most important technological trends of the coming decade, with interviews from Nobel Prize winning scientists, billionaire investors and some of the world’s leading thinkers. As publisher and writer he’s worked with some of the City’s most respected investors, as well as New York Times best-selling authors Bill Bonner and Dan Denning.

  • Merry Christmas from the Southbank Investment Research team

    Nick O’Connor here. Usually I write to you about your money, the markets or world events. But not today. Today, I’m getting in touch simply to wish you a happy Christmas. However you’re spending the holiday, I hope you find…

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  • The simple, repeatable trading workshop (that’s FREE)

    Do you like the idea of spending the rest of 2019 making good money from a repeatable trading strategy that’s very easy to follow? Then I recommend you sign-up for the new trading workshop being held by Adrian and the…

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  • Gold vs the pound

    In today’s letter: why gold is still the ultimate crisis insurance, for private investors, savers and powerful Russian autocrats alike. Let’s dive straight in! By the way, it’s publisher Nick O’Connor here. I’ve locked Boaz in the studio here at…

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  • Free Guide: How to buy your first share

    One of the questions I get asked the most is this: “Your research looks great – but I don’t know how to get started investing.” Or: “I don’t have a broker, have never bought a share and don’t know what…

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  • Why I’m buying gold today

    Last Monday it was silver. Today, I’m buying gold. A lot of it. I won’t tell you where I’m keeping my ‘stash’ either. But I can tell you for certain it is in no way connected to the regular banking…

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  • “It’ll be Greece all over again”

    Is there anything Mr. Hubble isn’t right about? For nearly the whole of 2018, he predicted chaos in Europe, and here we are: Protestors setting the French central bank on fire, then turning up to protest at The Hague in…

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  • Moving billions through the financial crisis

    As publisher at Southbank Investment Research, I work with a lot of outstanding market analysts and fund managers. Charlie Morris might well be the finest investor I know. He’s a city legend, frankly. For 17 years, he managed HSBC’s absolute…

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  • You’ve had eight months to prepare for this

    You’re about to miss your chance to protect yourself from the next financial crisis. Nick Hubble’s predictions are coming true too quickly. It was only weeks ago that Nick and I recorded the warning together. But the video is already…

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  • The battle for your mind

    Here’s your big idea for today, and indeed for the rest of 2018: is Donald Trump about to put a bullet in the tech bull market and trigger an all-out war for free speech at the same time? There are…

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  • How banks go bust

    I have a question for you that requires you be totally honest. With yourself. Not with me. At stake is your understanding – and potential survival – in the next financial panic. The question, as odd as it might sound,…

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  • The road to synarchy

    Did the financial elite deliberately build weaknesses into the euro currency system in order to create a financial crisis and bring about closer European political union? That’s what I’ve been thinking about for the past couple of days, particularly since…

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  • Europe’s secret debts will destroy the euro

    How do currency unions die? That’s the question I’m asking myself this week, as Nickolai Hubble prepares to publish his next big prediction about the slow-motion collapse of the euro financial system. The short answer is: be very, very careful…

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  • Europe is Doomed

    Last week I told you the one place former Federal Reserve chair Alan Greenspan highlighted as the site of the next major financial crisis: Europe. I want to add some meat to the bones of that prediction. I’ll explain just…

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  • EXPOSED: the critical weakness at the heart of the UK banking system

    Warning: your bank does NOT want you to read this report Deep down, you probably knew something wasn’t quite right. It’s a decade since the global financial crisis. It was a unique moment in history – a single event that…

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  • Is bitcoin a fiat currency?

    What it is it you buy when you get a bitcoin? Is bitcoin more like gold, or is it just another fiat currency? Yes, my friends. We’re going well and truly down the rabbit hole. If you’d rather not question…

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  • A $92 billion scam

    At the beginning of 2017, a major US bank handed $92 billion over to the US government. It was all “profit” from its operations. How did it make so much, and why did it have to give the money to…

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  • Bitcoin BOOK from the Publisher

    The single most important wealth creating opportunity on the market right now is in cryptocurrencies. No question. As Publisher, I’m doing everything I can to get you in on this ‘crypto-rush’ as smartly and strategically as possible. That’s why, today,…

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  • Five secrets to making a fortune from property

    “What will my house be worth in two years’ time?” When friends and family find out I write and publish financial advice, that’s generally the first thing they ask me. (Occasionally followed by, “When’s a good time to buy my…

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  • The world of FREE

 the most important thing you can do for your country all year. All it requires is a few clicks of your mouse. And it’s free. But it could make a massive difference to our way of life in Britain…

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  • Bitcoin’s booming – we seek out the profits

    Bitcoin has gone absolutely bonkers – more than doubling this year. An even bigger rise occurred in competing cryptocurrencies. Astonishingly, these now comprise more than half the market – partly because of bitcoin’s scaling limitations, which slow down transaction completions….

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  • Free bitcoin tutorial (usually ÂŁ1,200)

    “I want to get in on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. But it looks fiddly and complicated. I just don’t know if I know enough to get started.” I must have received that message, or one like it, close to a…

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  • Time to take bitcoin seriously

    I should have seen the signs
 First, one of our tech analysts – Sam Volkering – wrote to me late one night, a couple of months ago. “You need to start taking cryptocurrencies seriously. They’re reaching the boiling point. Get…

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  • Time to take bitcoin seriously

    I should have seen the signs
 First, one of our tech analysts – Sam Volkering – wrote to me late one night, a couple of months ago. “You need to start taking cryptocurrencies seriously. They’re reaching the boiling point. Get…

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  • How to solve the cyber crisis

    “I go and talk to these companies, and they know they need me and they’re keen to make sure they’re protected against cyber-attacks
 “Then, I don’t hear back from them for months. I get in touch again. They say, ‘We…

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  • UK government: we’ll pay you ÂŁ20,000 to solve this

    Would you like to win ÂŁ20,000? The money comes courtesy of the British government. It’s stumping the cash up as part of a competition. Anyone can enter. All you need to do is this: Show me a way of pinpointing…

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  • Three secrets to making your family rich

    How do rich families get rich, and stay rich? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself for the last few weeks. As part of it, I’ve conducted a pretty exhaustive study of pretty much every way a private investor like…

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  • Fear breaks out of its range

    Are we on the verge of World War Three? The standoff between the US, North Korea and China intensified over the bank holiday weekend. I was back up north visiting family and seemingly every time someone put the television on…

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  • Akhil speaks out – part two

    Welcome to the second part of our interview with Akhil Patel, editor of Cycles, Trends and Forecasts. You can read part one here. Akhil recently made a controversial prediction. He believes the stockmarket could hit 15,000 here in Britain –…

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  • The man behind this shocking prediction

    Akhil Patel is an editor at Southbank Investment Research and an expert in economic and financial cycles. He recently issued a note to investors that was titled “The Age of Opportunity”. In it, he contradicted the doom-mongers every step of…

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  • Akhil vs Minsky

    Thank you to everyone who’s written to me after reading Akhil Patel and Dan Denning’s latest presentation. If you haven’t read or watched it yet, you can catch up here. The idea is simple. Akhil is an expert in understanding the deep…

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  • Five charts and FTSE at fifteen (thousand)

    They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. So today I’m going to keep things short, stay quiet and let five charts do the talking. I think they prove that we’re at a vital, and profitable, point in the stock…

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  • From now on we respond with force

    We spend far more time discussing the “capital” element of our brief than we do the “conflict” part. That’s mostly by design: the markets keep us busy enough. And changes in the financial world are much more likely to have…

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  • Will Canada legalise marijuana this week?

    Could this be it? The week we see another milestone in the move towards a more global legal marijuana market? It could well be. This week, Canadian president Justin Trudeau’s government is expected to push through legislation that would make…

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  • Tesla overtakes Ford

    Here’s a question for you. What’s going to have a bigger impact on your returns from the stockmarket: the deal Britain gets from the EU
 or the fact we’re entering the second, most lucrative stage of the “Grand Cycle”? It’s…

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  • “Smart Brexit”

    It’s fitting that Theresa May had to address her letter to Donald Tusk. Not on an official level – she had no real choice on that front. Unless there’s a WhatsApp group with all 27 heads of state in it…

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  • Bitcoin’s civil war

    Bitcoin has had quite a few years. It’s been the best performing currency in the world, it’s been the worst and it’s been the most volatile. Bitcoin’s turned teenagers into millionaires without them leaving their bedrooms. It’s even threatened to overtake…

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  • Sun rush!

    Welcome to the age of the sun rush. Solar power installations had another massive year last year – growing by 50% year on year. That growth is mostly down to the USA and China. But the shift to solar and…

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  • Eerie calm

    What connects an outlawed market that’s legal once again
 the biggest moral conundrum the tech world faces
 and a big development for post-Brexit northern England? They’re all a part of today’s Capital & Conflict, of course! Eerie calm in the…

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  • Two ways to prosper in 2017

    OK. I admit it. If there was one simple, powerful way of succeeding in the markets
 that all investors could simply set up and start using right away
 I would have told you by now. But there isn’t. There is…

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  • Has the time come for industrial battery storage?

    Let’s start our letter 39 light years away from Earth, at the TRAPPIST-1 solar system, in which Nasa has discovered seven potential “Earth-sized” worlds. â€ȘThree of them are capable of having oceans, which increases the chances of life being present…

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  • The fightback is on – but are you with me?

    The Capital & Conflict mailbag is brimming with your letters again. And this time, I’ve been forced to do something radical. When you get a letter like the one below, there’s only one thing you can do
 Before I explain…

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  • The world of 1%

    Well now. It seems my letter yesterday about how rich retirees feel has really struck a chord. The consensus? The figures may say retirees today are richer than those in work. But it doesn’t feel like it! That’s because there’s…

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  • Great news for income seekers – or is it?

    Have you heard the good news? If you’re a retiree, you’re now better off than people who are in work. That’s right, in the decade during which interest rates and the income yielded on capital has dropped to 5,000 year…

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  • The Twitter King

    Here’s a simple formula for understanding mega-change – the kind of sweeping political, social and financial revolutions that affect us all. It comes down to three things: The right technology, at the right time, in the right hands. Let me…

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  • Oil’s next move will be explosive – but in which direction?

    Let’s take a look at oil. It’s a great “teachable example” of how to understand the mysterious (but understandable) forces behind a market. After jumping north of $50 following Opec’s decision to limit supply at the backend of 2016, the…

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  • Backstage from our very first live tech event

    I can’t write to you for long today. I’m here with Sam Volkering preparing for tonight’s live event. If you’ve missed it – and I don’t know how that could be since I’ve been banging on about it all week…

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  • Robot society could make you 10–X

    Did we just witness the start of a robotic society? An alliance of robots working in league with one another for the benefit of all (robots), not one? Don’t worry. Our robotic friends haven’t yet risen and overthrown us. I’m…

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  • Will stocks beat gold until 2034?

    Quick. Answer on your gut. Where’s the best place for your money today, stocks or gold? OK, so perhaps that’s an unfair question. I don’t expect you to answer important questions about your finances on a “gut feeling” – although,…

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  • An “epochal disruption” that could make you ten times your money

    On the table for you today is an opportunity. A big one. Whether you take it depends on what kind of person you are deep down. Here’s the story in short: Right now, a group of technology companies are challenging…

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  • Is the housing market broken?

    The UK housing market is “broken”. That’s according to communities secretary Sajid Javid. He was talking at the launch of a major government white paper on the housing market. According to some analysis the UK has built 2.5 million too…

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  • Fragility in the financial system

    Imagine the next time you went to turn out the light at home there was a chance – a very small, but real chance – that a fault in the system would shock you and destroy every other electrical appliance…

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  • You are not free

    Now we walk along the same street, in red pairs, and no man shouts obscenities at us, speaks to us, touches us. No one whistles. There is more than one kind of freedom, said Aunt Lydia. Freedom to and freedom…

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  • A 17-year bear market is over

    The next two to three years could be the best time in decades to be invested in the UK stock market. Expect the FTSE 100 to smash through 8,000 – maybe even run on to 10,000. That’s the argument Eoin…

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  • Use this edge to trade successfully

    Today we talk trading. Specifically, I want to share an idea with you that could be a real breakthrough if you’re interested in making big short-term gains from the stockmarket. I’ll warn you though
 it goes against much of what…

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  • “A 5% return, just to survive”

    Thank you to everyone who wrote in about our special income project. It really struck a chord. Remember, this is something we’re developing in response to cries for help from a certain portion of our readership: people who’re suffering on…

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  • Will the Deep State halt Brexit?

    In today’s letter
 why Brexit may never happen
 a very British coup
 a warning from history
 and “operation Clockwork Orange” returns. Tonight MPs will vote to grant, or deny, the government the right to trigger Article 50 and make good…

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  • A monumental monetary failure

    The negative interest rate experiment continues. In Denmark, rates have been negative since 2012. How’s it working out? Not so good
 at least, not if you judge it by the standards of the people behind the scheme. Last week Bloomberg…

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  • What if you can never retire?

    Fair warning: you might not like the conclusion you come to after reading today’s letter. But it’s better to address this threat now – and do something decisive about it – than wait ten years when it’ll be a thousand…

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  • Favouritism, Trumpism, protectionism – a case against (big) government

    Did you see the news? Earlier this week, Theresa May announced she can see the future! Not in so many words. But she may as well have. In an announcement fit to make all free-market, small government enthusiasts shudder (including…

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  • Greenspan’s missing principles

    If you had the chance to spend an hour questioning the most powerful central banker of all time, what would you ask them? That’s the position Dan Denning and I found ourselves in this week. We’ve been in Baltimore, joined…

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  • Investing in the world’s next $1 trillion industry

    We continue our exploration of the murky world of cybersecurity (and cyber-offence) today. Remember our thesis: it ultimately doesn’t matter if Russia hacked and leaked information that influenced the US election. What’s important is that more or less every major…

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  • Former “spook” talks cybersecurity

    Today we delve further into the murky world of cyber-warfare, with insights from former intelligence “spooks” fighting on the front line. My research team at Frontier Tech Investor spoke to experts from two cybersecurity firms, Darktrace and root9B. Darktrace was…

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  • Your views on Putin, Trump and the hack

    I write to you from Heathrow airport, on my way to Baltimore to meet one of the most powerful – and controversial – central bankers of all time. Can’t say any more than that right now. But expect more information…

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  • Striking the Hurricane Panda

    Later today a plane will land at San Francisco airport and reignite a major diplomatic and military flashpoint – one that will have consequences for us all. It’s another part in the story I’ve been telling you all week –…

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  • Undeclared global warfare

    Let’s do a quick straw poll. I need your opinion on something. It’s the biggest and most controversial geopolitical story in the world right now. Did Russia “hack” the US election? Did Russian cyber-attacks favour the presidency of Donald Trump…

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  • Is there a formula for prosperity?

    Can you boil economic prosperity down to a simple formula? It’s the ultimate question. The economic version of, “what is the meaning of life?”. Perhaps I’m setting myself up to fail in asking it. In fact, almost certainly so. But…

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  • Predicting a monetary hurricane

    Should the bank of England have seen the 2008 financial crisis coming? Everyone’s favourite economist Andrew Haldane – chief Bank of England economist and “let’s abolish cash and impose negative interest rates” proponent – certainly thinks so. He may or…

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  • In defence of freedom

    There’s something strange about trying to figure out the policy of the next US government via 140 character memos. But that’s the world Donald Trump has delivered us to. One of his latest notes caught my eye. It said: China…

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  • The cheapest power on earth

    What’s the cheapest source of energy in the world? I’ll give you three guesses. Actually, as this is a letter and not a conversation, I’ll just tell you. It’s solar. At least, in many places in the world it is….

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  • Make America’s (robots) great again

    What does Donald Trump mean when he says he wants to “make America great again”? One definition might be to turn back the tide of globalisation and bring manufacturing jobs back to America. Exactly whether that’s possible – whether American…

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