Last Monday it was silver.
Today, I’m buying gold. A lot of it.
I won’t tell you where I’m keeping my ‘stash’ either. But I can tell you for certain it is in no way connected to the regular banking system (or at my house, for obvious reasons).
What’s forced my hand all of a sudden?
I finally got around to watching Nickolai Hubble’s red alert about worrying signs developing in the banking system right now.
If you haven’t seen it yet – or haven’t taken him seriously – then I recommend you give it your full attention.
As Nick puts it: if you have significant savings in a UK or European bank (particularly if you have more than £85,000), then you need to see what he’s discovered.
Everything you need to know is here.
Nick O’Connor
Publisher, Southbank Investment Research
P.S. It’s not all doom and gloom. Nick and his team have put together an action plan for getting some of your cash out of the banking system, often in pretty unusual ways.
Like a way to buy gold anonymously…
Or an ‘old money’ investment that often soars in times of financial crisis.
At the very least, it’s worth knowing what Nick has to say… and what he thinks you need to do about it.
Category: Investing in Gold