You cannot create wealth out of nothing

Good news!

Our petition to stop the government banning cash and imposing negative interest rates continues apace.

I’ve been working away in the background to find a few high profile people to champion our cause (particularly in parliament). That’s all in place now. Stay tuned for more news, possibly by the end of this week.

And by the way, following my note yesterday about Corbyn’s ‘People’s QE’ idea… it seems ‘the people’ are pretty much dead set against it.

At least, it seems Capital and Conflict people are. Perhaps Jeremy is referring to different people. Who knows?

There was a pretty common thread amongst all the responses I received, though. QE – any type of QE – is diametrically opposed to something we all know in our hearts: you can’t get something for nothing.

Take this note, for instance:

“You and all sane thinking people know that’s there’s no free lunch and you can’t have something for nothing, ultimately we and future generations would have to suffer and pay with lots of interest.”
Or this one, which I am in absolute agreement with:

“A priceless statement, “You cannot create wealth out of nothing”

“The same as Newton’s Law of Motion “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”

“People’s QE is a logical thought in an illogical world and financial system.”
I’ll come back to this topic again as the week goes on. There’s a lot more to say.

But on to today’s issue of C&C

I have something of a treat for you. I’d like to share a couple of guest essays from two experts who you may well have heard of: Jim Rickards and Ben Traynor.

If you’re unfamiliar, Jim is a former CIA adviser and financial warfare expert. He’s also a best-selling author and a very insightful analyst. I’m friends with a couple of guys who work very closely with Jim, and to be honest they never shut up about him. If we meet for a few beers after work, it’s rare Jim’s name doesn’t come up.

There’s a reason for that. Jim’s insights are so important – and so relevant to the situation in the markets today – that he’s become the kind of analyst that hundreds of thousands of people worldwide follow.

You’ll see why today. I’ve published one of Jim’s pieces as a guest issue below.

You’ll also hear from Ben Traynor, another expert whose opinion I respect. Ben has some particularly relevant things to say about one of our favourite topics, negative interest rates. Don’t miss what he has to say.

And as always, if you have any thoughts on today’s issue, just get in touch with me directly at [email protected]. It’s always a pleasure to read them.

Nick O'Connor's Signature

Category: Geopolitics

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